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Cryotherapy, the hidden beauty secret of celebrities to burn 600 calories in 3 minutes



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Cold and ice have been used as a treatment for physical ailments for a long time. In ancient Greece, famous physicians like Hippocrates use ice for anesthetic purposes as to reduce inflammation.

Nowadays, is used as a fundamental therapeutic treatment of physical complaints such as sprains, dislocations, contractures, spams, pulled muscles and swollen tissues.

As well, to manage diverse pathologies symptoms as fibromyalgia, psoriasis, chronic pains, among others.

Cryotherapy benefits have gone way beyond of what we can imagine. Not only is a pain management treatment but has become a top model treatment of celebrities and supermodels.

Film stars, high performance athletes and celebrities like Tom Cruise, Jennifer Aniston, Cristiano Ronaldo and Kim Kardashian are a few example of the many followers of this therapy that recommend it in their social media by showing their experience after each session because of it multiple benefits

What is cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is the exposure of the skin surface of the body to very low temperatures (between -110ºC and -196ºC) by using a cryotherapy cabin which uses “vaporized” liquid nitrogen.

Because nitrogen has a very low temperature without applying extra cold, it can easily achieve the extreme temperature required for this treatment.

At a room temperature, liquid nitrogen can easily pass from a liquid state to a gaseous state. This is the reason of nitrogen use in this kind of treatments and this is why it is said that uses nitrogen “vaporized”.

When exposing the body to very low temperatures because of liquid nitrogen evaporation, the body responds at different levels involving the circulatory system, muscles and the neuroendocrine system. This happens because the brain receives a cold shock caused by a drastic reduction of body’s temperature. The hypothalamus releases series of substances in our body to combat an imminent hypothermia situation. Among these substances we can find dopamine, serotonin and endorphins, which increases blood flow, lipolysis and the production of free radicals catalytic enzymes, while reducing the production of inflammatory cytokines.

Cryotherapy benefits

One of the main benefit of cryotherapy -and the reason why it is so popular, is the burn of calories. The extreme cold application causes a decrease in body’s temperature, and to compensate this situation the body generates energy by burning localized fat deposits –such as the fat in the belly, therefore a loss of weight occurs togheter with a swelling in the lower abdomen. This same process works for all the body fat deposits. It also reduces, considerably, the annoying cellulite giving an appearance of youth to the body. Additionaly, cryotherapy builds up tissues tone and prevents flaccidity, allowing the body to remain firm and giving the skin a smoothly and healthy look.

Among other benefits, cryotherapy has been proven to be a non-invasive treatment helping to manage and alleviate symptoms of chronic skin diseases such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, dermatitis, seborrheic complex syndrome, eczema, erythematosis and scleroderma. This due to the peripheral vasodilatation that occurs because of the decreasing in body’s temperature, carring a large amount of oxygen to the body and increasing the blood flow.

Experts explain that there are several and diverse cryotherapy benefits:

  • It helps fight migraine and insomnia.
  • It improves blood circulation and inhibits varicose veins.
  • It reduces inflammation, stress, anxiety and fatigue.
  • It accelerates metabolism generating a boost of energy.
  • It increases the caloric expenditure -between 500 and 800 kilocalories in the next few hours after a 3-minute session.

Finally, research show that cryotherapy helps in recovery processes and chronic pain issues, and it is also recommended for diseases such as fibromyalgia, arthritis, or multiple sclerosis.

Is cryotherapy dangerous?

Like any other medical-aesthetic treatment, if handled properly there is no risk for our health and integrity.

Provided temperatures reached by liquid nitrogen are very low, it could cause burns when used incorrectly. This is why the skin is only exposed for a very short period of time on the skin -from 2 minutes to 4 minutes, and always in a controlled environment under medical supervision.

As a general rule, cryotherapy is a safe treatment for everybody. However there are exceptional cases where the use of cryotherapy is not recommended:

  • People with heart problems and serious health problems, because the sudden decrease in temperature could have a negative effect on the health of people suffering from heart problems.
  • People with little resistance to cold, as they would suffer excessively during the session due to the low threshold of pain towards the cold.
  • Pregnant women and children. This due to negative effects this treatment could have on fetus of a pregnant women and in children it is not advised because of they are still developing their bodies.

Student @ Advanced Digital Sciences Center, Singapore. Travelled to 30+ countries, passion for basketball.

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The technological advances in physical and occupational physiotherapy that you should know about



Technology has reached all areas of human life to help us carry out various tasks and to make everyone’s lives easier in different ways. These advances are also in medicine and in the different therapeutic treatments that are used to improve various ailments. Learn what the most advanced methods are and how you can use them.

Health is the most precious thing for every person; extreme care must be taken to ensure the correct functioning of the body. There are many ways and procedures aimed at treating various conditions and helping to stay healthy, which have been significantly enhanced thanks to advances in technology.

The area of physiotherapy is one of those that has taken the best advantage of technological advances, and it has raised the quality and effectiveness of its therapies and procedures to levels never before experienced. Thanks to them, physical and occupational physiotherapy has improved substantially and is increasingly valued for the treatment of various health cases.

Physiotherapy programs for physical rehabilitation

Currently, there are various physical therapy software programs that help patients recover and improve their physical functionality quite efficiently. There is advanced software, with a wide range of physical exercises based on virtual reality, which are designed to promote the progressive and effective recovery of those who find themselves in the need to use them.

Digital physical rehabilitation software includes analytical and functional exercises, which can be used in the rehabilitation of neurological patients, in the recovery of musculoskeletal injuries, in the prevention of falls, in programs against premature ageing and even with children that suffer these types of ailments.

Advantages of using software in physiotherapy

Physiotherapy computer programs are health products, specially designed by professionals, specifically for clinical use. They offer many advantages, among which the following stand out:

  • Enjoy the therapy sessions: the gamification that can be achieved with new technologies applied to physiotherapy turns the sessions into truly fun moments, which increases the patient’s motivation and their active participation in performing the corresponding exercises.
  • Rehabilitation quantification: all kinematic parameters, such as joint ranges, measurement of the base of support, centre of gravity, number, and characteristics of steps, among others, can be consulted in detail at any time during the therapy. Additionally, they can generate detailed clinical reports on each patient, which can be printed or exported in PDF format.
  • Remote sessions: technological advances have reached such high levels that they now open the possibility of applying remote sessions to the patient, thanks to the corresponding home exercise program software for physical therapy designed for this purpose. In this way, treatment can be reinforced with home sessions, which are also monitored and allow remote management, even from the centre itself. This has greatly benefited patients that have mobility problems.

Physical therapy home exercise programs are digital tools that help therapists and patients develop personalised exercise plans from the comfort of their homes. They provide a wide variety of benefits and features that improve rehabilitation and accelerate recovery.

Physiotherapists can decide with which patients and how to develop the digital physical rehabilitation exercises available to them, which can be personalised and adapted according to the needs of each patient.

Occupational therapy software programs

The occupational therapy software programs offer a multitude of resources and tools for therapists and patients, including simulations of everyday tasks, virtual activities to improve fine motor skills, time management strategies, and hand-eye coordination exercises, among others.

One of the main resources used is related to immersive virtual rehabilitation, which allows training various functions of the hand and different movements of the upper extremities that workers perform in their corresponding tasks. To do this, virtual reality and specialised programs are used that simulate environments similar to those they face on a daily basis in their jobs.

These occupational therapy software programs also include patient progress monitoring and assessment tools. They are digital solutions that improve the efficiency of occupational therapy by providing interactive virtual environments and resources tailored to the individual needs of each patient.

Personalization of rehabilitation programs

An important advantage offered by technological advances in this area is the possibility of having personalized rehabilitation programs, which therapists can use to adapt treatments to each patient’s purposes and abilities.

The personalization of rehabilitation programs substantially improves the effectiveness of treatments by addressing the unique needs of each patient. Additionally, this rehabilitation software provides useful resources to monitor and adjust as patients progress in their recovery.

This capacity for adaptation and personalization favours a firmer rehabilitation and speeds up the return to normal functionality of the treated people.

It is a feature that offers various benefits, such as the possibility of applying more individualised approaches, which guarantees that the exercises are safe, effective, and appropriate to promote recovery, and the optimization of results, as they are exercises designed specifically to meet each patient’s needs. .

They also generate greater motivation and adherence, by considering the interests, preferences, and goals of each individual treated, and help prevent additional injuries, since the exercises are adapted to the individual capabilities and limitations of each person.

In conclusion, physical and occupational therapy software has transformed the way rehabilitation is performed on people today. They are digital tools with a wide variety of features that improve the efficiency and personalization of treatments, tailoring the perfect exercise routine for each patient’s needs.

They cover various areas, from home exercise programs to creating personalized exercise plans, facilitating faster and more effective recovery for patients. But, these advances do not stop and aim to continue towards levels that cannot even be imagined, so we can count on an even more promising future in this important area of health.

Do not think about it anymore, if you are suffering from any ailment that could benefit from remote therapy, or know of someone that does, check this software today and see how your life can easily improve thanks to the help of the experts behind them. Your health will thank you.

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10 Tips for Starting Your Own Architectural Firm



Are you an architect with a dream of starting your own firm? If so, you’re in luck! Starting your own architectural firm can be a very rewarding experience. However, it’s not without its challenges. This blog post will discuss tips for starting your own architectural firm. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to launching a successful business!

1) Identify Your Niche:

You’ll need to identify the type of architecture you want to specialize in before getting started. This could be anything from residential homes, commercial buildings, public spaces, or any other niche within the architectural field.

2) Build a Network:

As an architect, your network can make or break your business. Make sure to establish relationships with clients and potential partners as soon as you can. Joining local networking groups and attending events can help you build valuable connections.

3) Secure Funding:

If you don’t have enough capital to get started, consider applying for grants or loans from government agencies or investors. Having some capital behind you will give you more freedom to pursue projects that align with your goals and vision for your firm.

4) Develop a Business Plan

A successful business requires a plan. Your plan should include your vision for the firm, as well as strategies for marketing and managing finances. Having a clear roadmap to follow will make it easier to stay on track and reach your goals.

5) Protect Yourself Legally

It’s important to protect yourself legally when starting an architectural firm. Make sure you understand all of the relevant laws in your area, including licensing requirements and zoning regulations. You’ll also need liability insurance in case something goes wrong with one of your projects.

6) Invest in Technology

In order to keep up with the competition, you’ll need to invest in modern technology and tools. This could include anything from computer-aided design (CAD) software to a paper folding machine. Investing in the right technology can help you streamline processes, save time, and create a better final product.

7) Marketing

Marketing is key to the success of any business. Make sure you have a good plan in place for reaching out to potential clients and increasing your visibility. Social media, content marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO) can all be helpful in this regard.

8) Hire Talented Employees

If you want your firm to stand out from the competition, you’ll need to hire talented employees. Look for individuals with experience in the architectural field who share your vision and passion for design.

9) Develop a Brand

Creating a unique brand identity is essential if you want your firm to stand out from the crowd. This could involve creating a logo, website, or slogan that captures the essence of what your firm stands for.

10) Stay Flexible

The architecture industry is constantly changing and evolving, so it’s important to stay flexible and adapt to new trends. Don’t be afraid to try something different or take risks when necessary. Doing so can lead to greater success in the long run.

Starting your own architectural firm can be a rewarding experience, but it requires planning and dedication. Make sure to follow these tips when getting started to ensure that you set yourself up for success!

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6 Affordable Ways to Take Care of Your Dental Health




While many patients are looking towards dental tourism to get their dental health back in check, the good news is that you don’t need to. While yes, sometimes dental health care can, at times, be fairly pricey, there are things you can do to make sure that it’s affordable. So, here are some tips for keeping your dentist visits easy and affordable.

Brushing twice a day

Getting rid of bacteria in your mouth can be as easy as brushing twice a day. But it’s important to follow the proper technique for doing so. If you need more clarification, you can ask your dentist for advice. Bacteria in the mouth cause cavities, gum disease, and other dental problems. Getting rid of the plaque in your teeth is important to keep them healthy.

Flossing everyday

Flossing before brushing is one of the best things you can do for your oral health. Performing this dental hygiene routine can prevent gum disease and tooth decay. While you’re flossing before brushing, you’ll also remove food particles that are stuck in between your teeth. It’s also easier than brushing. In fact, flossing first can even increase the concentration of fluoride in your mouth. Fluoride strengthens your teeth’s enamel, which can help prevent cavities.

Having cash set aside for dental emergencies

While no one likes to think about dental emergencies, it’s so important that you do. Having cash set aside for dental emergencies is a smart way to ensure that your teeth stay healthy. A dollar spent on cleanings and X-rays can save you a lot of money on more expensive procedures down the road. Getting treated for an emergency is never convenient, and trying to figure out how to pay for it can be stressful. So, make sure you have some type of emergency fund for something like this.

Avoid sweets

While it’s fine to eat sweets in moderation, it’s best to try to avoid this unless it’s a special occasion. You’ve probably heard it enough times, but sugar can cause cavities. Ideally, you stick to drinking water and limit your sugar and salt intake.

Create an at-home oral care routine

Whether you’re wearing a teeth retainer or not, you’re going to need to have some type of oral care routine each night at home. Taking care of your dental health at home is a great way to avoid expensive trips to the dentist. You can save money in the long run, and you can prevent major issues that can cost hundreds of dollars to repair. The two most important things you’ll need to do is brush and floss. This keeps your gums and teeth healthy and free from cavities and gum disease.

Regular dentist visits

It’s also important to visit your dentist twice a year. Your dental hygienist will check your mouth for signs of oral cancer, gum disease, tooth decay, and other problems. They will examine your teeth and take x-rays of your mouth. This will help them determine if you need more in-depth treatment. Your dentist can also recommend a home oral care regimen tailored to your unique needs.

This includes the use of mouthwash, which can help remove plaque and freshen your breath. By all means, you should always take advantage of this. How can this be affordable? Well, by going to the dentist twice a year, they’ll be able to fix and prevent any potential issues before they even begin.

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