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Former Colony India Increasing its Control on British Economy



Tata Jaguar Land Rover

Having almost 400 years of presence on Indian soil and 200 years of rule on India, British had controlled much of Indian economy. While overall infrastructure grew in India, the taxes on land and farming had made the life of common Indian man difficult. The country which was known as the golden bird on earth whose economy along with China was the greatest in the world, was later known as the poor country after British Empire had declared control.
When Britishers left India, they left with a vast infrastructure of railway and strategic roads. Rail, by then had made its presence in the difficult terrains of Himalayas like Darjeeling and Himachal Pradesh. All the resources in the hands of the new Indian government and a developed infrastructure helped India improve its figures. It was in early 1990s when India opened its doors to the world. There was a belief that well developed economies and companies in the west will dominate Indian markets and make it difficult for the Indian companies to rise, but India had already produced and nourished matured brands based on trust, which later bravely  faced the competitions with the outsiders.
Today these Indian companies have expanded their arms much wider and away from India that they are integrated with most of the population in this world. Either is it by chance or may be it is some kind of nationalism among Indian industrialists that they have collectively targeted British businesses and “Indianized” them. They took help of Indian branding agency as well as branding agencies in London and established their  stronghold in the island nation which ruled India for over 200 years.
Unlike China, Indian companies do not mark their identity on their products that prominently. This could be one of the reason that after acquiring a business in another country Indian companies receive less resistance and easily acceptance of their services and products unlike China whose products are famous as “cheap quality use and throw.”
One good and relevant example can be the Tata Motor’s acquisition of prestigious British Jaguar and Land Rover auto brands. Still very few are aware that Tata Motors owns these super luxurious British automobile brands since 2008. Tata never renamed it as Tata Jaguar. Buying from the cash strapped Ford, Tata has now recorded massive net profit in JLR section.
Recently in February UK surprised everyone as British prime minister David Cameron flew to India’s financial capital with the largest trade delegation ever taken by a British prime minister to any country in the world. This gives a clear signal towards extending partnership and mutual understanding of importance of each other.
Today people in UK are happy wearing Indian clothes and jewellery. There is a huge possibility of finding a drug or medicine manufactured in India or manufactured by an Indian owned subsidiary in Britain. Indian tea is famous around the world, but a major British brand Tetley which is the choice of large number of tea preferring population in Britain is owned by an Indian company Tata Global Beverages. If you are booking tickets online, making bank transaction, or shopping online, then there is every possibility that an Indian company in Bangalore would have designed the whole platform that enables you to make online transactions smoothly. Again there is a huge possibility that every steel used in the construction or other purposes is India made or made by an Indian company or subsidiary.
Like this there are many such stories of India buying prestigious British companies, that we are going to share with you in our upcoming post (Stay Connected!). The whole idea is that Indian companies have been expanding their arms and integrating themselves in Britain and with the British consumers so finely that without knowing, Britishers have India and Indians deeply involved in their day to day life.
“Indian companies have been acquiring foreign companies, and when they do, the studies show those companies perform better,” notes Peter Cappelli, George W. Taylor Professor of Management at The Wharton School and Director of Wharton’s Center for Human Resources, while writing a blog piece, Indian Companies: Doing Well Because They Do Good, in Harvard Business Review.
China on the other hand is also making its presence large in Britain, however more analysts are satisfied with the way India has handled and nourished Britain’s biggest and highly prestigious brands.
Pedro Moreno de los Ríos, partner at Parangon Partners, an executive search firm, explains, “One of the great advantages of Indian executives, compared with their Chinese counterparts, is their knowledge of Anglo-American culture. Another advantage is the greater openness that India has enjoyed when it comes to foreign capital. Indian managers tend to have an international approach, and India is [even] exporting managers to China.”
The country which ruled India for 200 years and took much of its resources for its benefit now its countrymen are grateful to India and its Indian companies for jobs as on e of the Indian brand, Tata is now the largest employer in UK in private sector, thus belittling the blame that Indian companies are snatching the jobs from the western world.
In our upcoming article we are going to explore biggest acquisitions made by the Indian companies in UK and other countries which has proved India as a big and matured player in forming and controlling a good part of the world’s economy. Stay Connected! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter.

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Sanskar Shrivastava is the founder of international students' journal, The World Reporter. Passionate about dynamic occurrence in geopolitics, Sanskar has been studying and analyzing geopolitcal events from early life. At present, Sanskar is a student at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture and will be moving to Duke University.

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Screen Printing Services: A Beginner’s Guide to Avoiding Mistakes and Maximizing Your Investment



Are you thinking about ordering custom t-shirts and don’t know where to start? Don’t worry! Screen printing is an incredibly popular and versatile technique that allows you to create durable, high-quality designs on a variety of products. In this guide, I’ll teach you the essentials to make your first screen printing experience a success.

What is Screen Printing?

First, let’s talk about the basics. Screen printing is a printing method that uses a mesh to transfer ink onto a surface, except in areas made impermeable to the ink by a stencil. This sounds a bit technical, but it’s actually quite simple: think of a large stencil and ink passing through it to form your design. It’s especially useful for printing on textiles, like t-shirts, but it can also be used on paper, wood, plastic, and more.

Benefits of Hire Screen Printing Services

Before getting into the details of how to place your order, let me tell you why screen printing is an excellent option:

  1. Durability: The ink used in screen printing is thick and adheres well to fabrics, making the designs last longer without fading.
  2. Versatility: You can print on almost any material. So, besides t-shirts, you can think of caps, tote bags, hoodies, and more.
  3. Cost-effectiveness: For large orders, screen printing is very cost-effective. The more units you print, the lower the cost per unit.
  4. Print quality: The colors are vibrant, and the details can be captured very well, especially in simple and bold designs.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Now, let’s move on to the most common mistakes people make and how to avoid them:

1. Not Defining Your Design Clearly

It’s crucial to have a clear design before starting the process. Think about:

  • Colors: Less is more. Screen printing works best with a limited number of colors.
  • Details: Make sure the details are not too small. Fine elements can get lost in the print.
  • Design size: Make sure the size of your design is appropriate for the final product.

Tip: Work with a graphic designer or use design software to ensure your design is ready to print.

2. Choosing the Wrong Type of Fabric

Not all fabrics are the same. Some fabrics are better for screen printing than others. For example, 100% cotton is ideal because the ink adheres well and the colors look more vibrant.

Tip: Ask your screen printing provider about the best fabric options for your design and purpose.

3. Not Requesting a Sample

Always, always, always ask for a sample before mass printing. This allows you to see how your design will look on the fabric and make adjustments if necessary.

Tip: Make sure the sample includes all the colors and details of the final design.

4. Not Planning the Production Time

Screen printing takes time. From preparing the design and stencils to printing and drying, there are several stages involved.

Tip: Plan ahead and consider production times, especially if you need the t-shirts for a specific event.

5. Not Considering the Total Budget

It’s easy to overlook additional costs like setup fees, shipping, and taxes. Make sure to get a complete quote before committing.

Tip: Ask your provider about all the costs involved and ensure there are no surprises.

Maximizing Your Investment

Now that you know what mistakes to avoid, here are some tips to get the most out of your screen printing investment:

1. Bulk Orders

The more you print, the lower the cost per unit. If you know you’ll need more t-shirts in the future, consider placing a larger order upfront.

2. Classic and Timeless Designs

Opt for designs that won’t go out of style quickly. This ensures you can use the t-shirts for a long time without them looking outdated.

3. Deals and Discounts

Many screen printing providers offer discounts for large orders or frequent customers. Don’t hesitate to ask about available promotions.

4. Take Care of Your Products

Once you have your t-shirts, make sure to take proper care of them. Wash printed t-shirts inside out and avoid using bleach to prolong the life of the design.

Choosing the Right Provider

Finally, choosing the right provider is crucial to the success of your project. Here are some aspects to consider:

  • Experience and Reputation: Research and choose a provider with a good reputation and proven experience.
  • Portfolio of Previous Work: Ask to see examples of previous work to ensure they can handle your design.
  • Communication: A good provider should be willing to answer your questions and keep you informed throughout the process.
  • Reviews and References: Read reviews and ask for references to ensure other customers have had good experiences.

In Summary

Screen printing is a fantastic technique for customizing t-shirts and other products, but like any process, there are tips and tricks to help you avoid issues and maximize your investment. From design preparation to choosing the right provider, every step is important. I hope this guide has given you a clear and practical view of how to start your screen printing journey without a hitch.

If you have any questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us! We are here to help you bring your screen printing ideas to life. Good luck with your project!

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Learn English quickly and effectively with the Callan Method



In a world where all countries and cultures are interconnected, learning different languages has become mandatory. To do so effectively, you should try the well-known Callan Method, with which you’ll easily master English in less time than you imagine.

The learning of the English language has gained great importance in the job and academic world due to the globalization our society has experienced and the fluid communication constantly occurring between all countries. Due to these factors, and if you want to grow as a person, mastering English is crucial and something you must do to increase your opportunities in the current world. Therefore, it’s best to explore efficient methods to learn it, and one of them is undoubtedly the Callan method.

The Callan Method is totally different from conventional methods for learning English, and it has shown to be effective for those who decide to start their journey of learning this language.

What is the Callan Method, and how does it work?

Since ancient times, many language teaching methods have been developed with different approaches and types of progressions, of which one of the most effective is the Callan Method. Developed by Robin Callan in the 1960s, this method stands out for its intensive approach aimed at quickly and effectively imprinting the language into the student’s brain.

This is achieved because it is based on fundamentals such as repetition, constant real-time practice, and immediate correction of any error. With this method, students are constantly exposed to oral questions and answers in English, with repetitions of the same and, above all, error corrections.

Upon entering one of these classes, you will quickly notice the difference from a regular English class. The teacher will be speaking in English at a natural speed, and you won’t touch a pen or paper throughout the entire lesson, but rather respond to oral questions and participate in structured conversations.

Thus, the Callan method mainly emphasizes improving fluency in speaking and the auditory ability to understand the language, skills that will be tested in real-life situations. Repeating this a sufficient number of times results in a student with fluency and confidence in the language, ready to face the world in English and engage in advanced conversations with native speakers of this language.

Benefits of the Callan Method

This method, unlike many others, offers a variety of advantages for students that make it stand out from the crowd and position it as one of the best, as studies have confirmed that with this method it is possible to learn English up to 4 times faster than with any other.

One of these advantages is the fact that when you start studying with this method, you don’t learn grammar but rather dive straight into the world of English. This might sound counterproductive, but it’s quite the opposite, as it allows you to start familiarizing yourself with the sounds and vocabulary, even as a beginner.

Furthermore, being based on a primarily oral learning system, you will improve your fluency in speaking and your listening skills will progress effectively and rapidly. These two skills are the ones you will use the most in real life, so the Callan Method is perfect if you want to go to an English-speaking country.

Beyond the typical generic conversations you would learn in any class, the Callan Method offers structured conversations that encourage you to use new words and phrases in each one, emphasizing learning with each session to make the most of your time.

By receiving corrections from the teacher immediately after making a mistake, not only do you have the chance to correct it, but little by little you gain the confidence necessary to speak and master the language as if it was your mother tongue. So if you are looking to learn English easily, or to further improve your English skills, the Callan Method is definitely worth diving into.

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Know The Differences between Static and Dynamic QR Codes



In the digital age, qr code have become an integral part of our lives, bridging the physical and digital worlds seamlessly. They enable quick and convenient access to information, websites, and multimedia content. QR codes come in two main flavors: static and dynamic.

In this article, we will explore the differences between these two types of QR codes and introduce you to a powerful qr code generator known as QRFY. We’ll delve into the versatility of dynamic QR codes and how they can be a game-changer for your business.

Static QR Codes vs. Dynamic QR Codes

Static QR codes are the traditional, one-time-use variety. Once generated, the encoded information is fixed and cannot be altered. These are great for simple, permanent links, such as sharing a website URL or contact information.

On the other hand, dynamic QR codes are a dynamic duo. The content behind these codes can be changed at any time without the need to update the QR code itself. This feature opens up a world of possibilities.

With QRFY, you can create dynamic QR codes that offer unparalleled flexibility. QRFY supports hosting various types of content, including PDF documents, images, videos, vCards Plus, restaurant menus, and much more.

Customization at Your Fingertips

QRFY takes customization to the next level. You can create custom QR codes with your logo, color schemes, or choose from predefined templates. This means your QR codes can reflect your brand identity, making them more recognizable to your audience.

Detailed Analytics and Control

With QRFY, you gain valuable insights into the performance of your QR codes. You can track the number of scans per day, monitor user demographics by country and city, and even analyze data on the browser and language preferences of your audience. This data can help you fine-tune your marketing strategies for better results. Plus, you can easily export this information for in-depth analysis and decision-making.

Key Features of QRFY:

  • Dynamic content updates: change the content behind your QR code at any time.
  • Content variety: host PDF documents, images, videos, vCards Plus, restaurant menus, and more.
  • Customization: personalize your QR codes with your logo, colors, or templates.
  • Advanced analytics: monitor scans per day, user demographics, browser data, and language preferences.

QR codes have come a long way from their humble beginnings and are now an essential tool for businesses and individuals alike. With the advent of dynamic QR codes, made easy through QRFY, the possibilities are endless. The ability to update content, track scans, and customize your QR codes makes them a powerful asset for marketing and communication.

Whether you want to share information, promote your brand, or streamline user interactions, QRFY’s dynamic QR codes are the way to go. So, take advantage of this dynamic shift in QR code technology. Embrace the flexibility and control offered by QRFY and watch your QR codes evolve with your needs. Dynamic QR codes are not just links; they’re gateways to a world of possibilities, limited only by your imagination.

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