Culture and Lifestyle
The Root Causes of Alcoholism in India; Possible Solutions.
Simple economic, age, gender and professional dimensions that define alcohol consumption patterns in small homogenous western nations are insufficient in a multilayered society like India. Despite adoption of western lifestyles, middle class in urban India has yet to entirely do away with the old mores and values. For few in the big city, the old values are still the core of their identity, while for others they are suitable pretences, resulting in schizophrenic environment where youngsters grow up absorbing the worst of both the eastern and the western influences.
Rural India is witnessing a different yet equally seismic shift, where the old joint-family value system and associated economic enterprises are collapsing and people are moving away from traditional professions. There is significant migration in search of livelihood due to ever shrinking size of the agricultural land holdings. Apart from the stress of displacement, a break from ones communities also removes the social safety net that keeps check on alcohol abuse. In some previously semi-arid and moderately populated regions, improvements in irrigation and industrialization of agriculture has created excess wealth and removed the need for few previously agricultural people to work with their own hands. Instant money for these people and also for the land holders in areas near big cities where prices of real estate have sky rocketed has resulted in youngsters who do not know how to handle their newfound wealth and are prone to addiction.
Alcohol abuse combined with ready availability of opium derived drugs seeping in from our western borders has resulted in a whole generation of addicts in Punjab, Jammu, Haryana and parts of Rajasthan. In the flux of values and economic relations of our multilayered society four denominators are can still describe the major pillars of alcohol related problems in India: 1) lack of information 2) adulteration of alcohol 3) inefficient alcohol regulation policies and 4) the paucity of appropriate medical intervention.
While the debate over the merits of alcohol consumption is hotly contested worldwide, the views about alcohol consumption in India usually do not come in shades of gray but often in black and white. There is a taboo concerning alcohol consumption in any amount, especially by women and conservative sections of society, but also in general due to religious teachings of the Vaishnav sect of Sanatan Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Sikhism, and Arya Samaj and the remnants of anti-alcohol Gandhian drive. Actual practice of alcohol consumption is altogether a different matter, which covers the whole gamut from healthy consumption to fatal abuse. History has taught us that making something a taboo does not solve the problem; it only makes the forbidden fruit more tempting. Taboos encourage closeted and unsafe behavior like binge drinking in the case of alcohol or unsafe sex in the case of premarital relationships. Humans have been enjoying alcoholic beverages since prehistoric times. Alcohol has been celebrated in the Vedic hymns, Shaivism, Buddhism, Tantra, streams of Catholicism, and many indigenous animist and tribal traditions that celebrate alcohol in moderation. In fact many anthropologists and biologists claim that it is likely that alcohol from fermented grains was used as food source much before the bread was invented. In fact, if consumed in moderate amounts over many years, alcohol can have numerous positive health consequences. Moderate amounts of alcohol have been correlated with reducing dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, improving cardiac functioning, and reducing stroke incidences, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, gallbladder diseases, arthritis, renal cell carcinoma, thyroid cancer, and non-Hodgkin lymphoma among many other diseases.
When alcohol is consumed in an uncontrolled and excessive manner however, the story is much different. Binge drinking, especially as a repeat pattern, is associated with many health problems including alcohol poisoning, liver sclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, sexual dysfunction, and fetal alcohol syndrome in unborn children of pregnant women. The World Health Organization estimates that 2.5 million deaths per year worldwide are caused by alcohol related incidents, mostly due to heavy inebriation. A strong correlation exists between heavy alcohol consumption and crime. Also, heavy drinking can result in blackouts that leave people vulnerable to crimes such as rape. Apart from health issues, the economic drain and the disruption of societal peace due to increased crime can be quite a big strain on society. Heavy alcoholics (not mild healthy drinkers) are more often involved in domestic abuse than rest of the population. So instead of making something taboo we need to understand a drink or two a day is good for health, unless the woman consuming is pregnant or if someone is patient of a kidney or a liver disease. On the other hand heavy amounts, i.e. more than three to five drinks a day, depending on the size of person, not just causes health issues but it wrecks families. The solution is in moderation for those who like to drink and not in professing abstinence.
Apart from lack of information on alcohol for people to make their own informed choice, adulteration of alcohol and lack evidence based regulation policy are reason for grave alcohol related health problems. Alcohol poisoning is due to non-ethanol alcohols: frequently methanol, also known as wood alcohol, which is highly toxic. Methanol can cause blindness and even death in sufficient quantity. It is sometimes added into illicit alcoholic beverages to increase their potency. In fact, most hooch related tragedies, like the recent one in Gujrat, have happened in dry states or on dry days in wet states. This is not surprising. When one cannot get regulated good quality alcohol and it is taboo to consume alcohol, people resort to shoddy alcohol consumption in hiding. Such prohibition on alcohol also results in binging due to fear of being caught. Failure of prohibition in Gujrat and Mizoram and earlier in Andhra should be an eye opener. This counterproductive nature of prohibition is a global trend and the disasters from the American prohibition era and Pakistani prohibition from the Zia time onwards should act as stern reminder for anyone professing prohibition. One of the most laughable and pretentious acts of alcohol regulation in India is the current ban on alcohol advertisements while allowing alcohol manufacturers to advertize low-selling, almost hypothetical products like music CDs and bottled water that have the same name as their alcoholic beverage. Well-intentioned grass roots movements due to lack of information frequently push for prohibition and so do the self-benefiting NGOs that are merely acting as fronts for converting black money to white through Hawala schemes. One needs a non-prohibitionist, informed grass root movement to set the minds of ruling political elite to focus on the problem of addiction and alcohol abuse in India.
We are also missing well-trained physicians with information on efficacy and availability of de-addiction drugs and an awareness of benefits of psychological, exercise and vocational therapies. Appropriate information to both the health professionals and the family of addicts can result in much needed counseling and support required for anyone wanting to quit alcohol addiction.
I hope as India strives to maintain its much hyped growth rate it also stops its infantile approach in dealing with alcoholism and many other health issues that are part of reason why people’s quality of life is not going up at the same rate as economy. What is needed of people is to be informed of the beneficial and harmful effects of alcohol, shed away taboos that do not serve any good and understand that addiction is a disease that can be cured in most instances and the sooner one intervenes the better one can expect the outcomes to be. What is needed of the government is to have a smart regulation of alcohol that will add to revenue, ensure quality of alcohol, and spread information on the ills of alcoholism without making it the forbidden fruit.
Culture and Lifestyle
Do you want to surprise a special someone?

Precious and semi-precious stones have been highly valued throughout human history, not only because they are expensive, often symbolising status and luxury, but also because of their great symbolism—many even attribute mystical properties to them. Their indescribable beauty, powerful symbolic value, and economic worth make gifting gems a gesture full of meaning when you want to surprise and delight a loved one. Typically, precious stones are exquisitely set in jewellery—be it a ring, earrings, bracelets, or necklaces—becoming family treasures passed down through generations.
How to choose the perfect gem
The first thing to consider is who the gemstone is for and the occasion on which it will be given. One common occasion for gifting a gem is during a wedding proposal, traditionally in an engagement ring.
It’s essential to consider the recipient’s tastes, whether they love to wear standout pieces or prefer something more discreet. The quality of the gem is crucial, especially if this gift is meant to mark an important moment. For this reason, it should be purchased from reputable places with the best advice—two key aspects that define the store whynotgems, based in Madrid, Spain. Here, they don’t just sell gems commercially; they are passionate about them, putting in supreme effort and dedication, making a significant difference in the industry. The experts at WhyNotGems are constantly travelling around the world to acquire the finest stones, which they then offer to their clients with the most competitive quality-price ratio. They have a versatile online store offering a wide variety of gems, jewellery, and settings to choose from, tailored to individual tastes and preferences.
Another essential aspect to consider when picking a gem is the budget. The price range is very broad, depending on the size, quality, and type of gem. Diamonds, commonly used in engagement rings, are generally the most expensive. Some opt for more affordable but equally beautiful options, such as emeralds, sapphires, topazes, and rubies, which also vary in price depending on their quality and the jewellery in which they are set.
Some characteristics that denote the quality of a stone include its lack of imperfections, vivid colour, and clear transparency. This not only enhances its beauty but also ensures its longevity.
Gems and their meanings
When gifting a stone to a loved one, you’re expressing something. They are more than just a beautiful adornment; they carry significant meaning, so it’s important to understand their symbolism to let the gift speak for itself. For example, diamonds are associated with eternal love, which is why they are the traditional stone for engagements. Sapphires, with their characteristic deep blue, symbolise nobility and loyalty and are often exchanged between friends and family. When you give this gem to a loved one, it conveys that you greatly value your relationship, whether it’s a friendship or family bond. It also signifies a desire to protect the other person during difficult times. Those who love passionately tend to choose rubies, with their characteristic deep red. These gems are typically gifted on wedding anniversaries, as they denote the intensity of a feeling that grows over time.
It’s important to remember that the meanings of stones vary according to individual cultures and beliefs. Some people place more weight on the metaphysical properties of gems, while others are simply enchanted by their aesthetic appeal. Either way, giving a stone will always be a great way to please a loved one on a special occasion.
In conclusion, gifting a gemstone is more than just giving a beautiful piece of jewellery; it’s a timeless gesture filled with deep meaning and thoughtfulness. Whether chosen for its symbolism, aesthetic appeal, or as a treasured keepsake, a gem is a perfect way to express love, appreciation, and commitment to someone special.
Culture and Lifestyle
The visionary Spanish artist makes a milestone in the art industry and human science

The art industry is buzzing with the incredible news of a Spanish artist, Eduardo Vidal, who has achieved an unparalleled milestone in both art and human science. His work can be described as visionary, a term that only few artists are able to live up to. While his works have been featured in some of the world’s most prestigious galleries and museums, Eduardo Vidal art remains humble about his talent.
Eduardo Vidal has developed an original style that blurs the lines between surrealism and minimalism. He uses color theory to create pieces that are both complex yet simple at the same time; he also combines techniques from traditional painting with modern digital technology to create intricate designs. His work is praised for its innovative approach which speaks directly to viewers’ emotions and encourages them to think differently about the world around them.
Art Industry Impact
Art has been a form of expression for centuries, and it continues to be an important part of our culture today. In recent years, the art industry has seen tremendous growth and development as more people turn to art as a means of communication. One artist who is making waves in the industry is Spanish visionary artist Miguel Molinez. He recently achieved a milestone that could have long-term implications not just for the art world, but also for human science.
Molinez’s innovative technique combines the traditional principles of painting with modern digital technology, creating unique works that have captivated audiences around the world. His creative approach to creating artwork has yielded ground-breaking results in both aesthetics and scientific accuracy. His most recent project which involved recreating an ancient historical moment using light was so successful that it could open up new possibilities in terms of exploring our past through visual arts.
Human Science Revolution
The Spanish artist, Carlos Bermejo, has just made a monumental breakthrough in the art and science worlds. His unique approach to incorporating elements of human science into his artwork is revolutionizing the way people think about art. With an emphasis on connecting human emotion and experience with scientific models, he is paving the way for a new era of expressionism.
Bermejo’s latest masterpiece incorporates theoretical physics principles to explore the relationship between time and space. This ambitious project has gained global attention as it bridges both art and science by exploring how humans interact with their environment on an individual level. His work provides a platform for viewers to consider their own place within this world by reflecting on its beauty, mystery, and complexity.
The conclusion of the article regarding Spanish artist’s milestone has been monumental. Spanish visionary artist, Eduardo Vidal, has made a lasting mark on the art industry and human science alike. This new milestone is considered groundbreaking, as it has observed the way humans interact with their environment by utilizing scientific principles and innovative techniques to create meaningful works of art.
Eduardo Vidal success in this field proves that there are no boundaries when it comes to creating meaningful works of art. Through his work, Eduardo Vidal was able to bring together different disciplines such as science and art, highlighting how intricately intertwined they truly are. The impact of his contribution is undeniable; not only has he created incredible works of art, but he also helped bridge the gap between creative fields and opened up new possibilities for exploration in the future.
Culture and Lifestyle
Spend All Your Time Online? Hobbies That’ll Get You More Hands On

If you find yourself always online, it’s best to turn off the computer or phone and find something else to do. However, that’s a lot easier said than done! But if you’ve got a hands-on hobby in your back pocket, you’ll always have something fun and practical to turn to when you get bored.
Staring at a screen all day isn’t healthy for you, and it’s good to find real ways to rest your eyes and get outside a bit more. As such, here are some ideas regarding the kinds of hobbies that’ll help you find enjoyment in things other than what’s going on online.
If you’ve ever fancied yourself as a carpenter, this is the first step on your journey to putting huge items of furniture together for your own home. Get a bit of wood, get a carving knife, and see how you can manipulate the material to make something interesting. Take precautions and protect your hands, but have fun at the same time. And while you’ve not got a woodworking shop yet, even just a small set of tools can help you whittle your way to new cutlery, decorative figurines, and incredibly personal birthday and anniversary presents.
Building Models
Miniatures are a very popular hobby, and all thanks to the time and love we have to put into making them. And when you’re a fan of building your own models, you can move into other item builds, such as attaching 80 lower receiver jigs to a rifle project of your own. But to get started, all you need is a set of models to crack open, snip off, and glue together. Once you’re done with this, you can start painting them and even put together your own playing team. It’s not just a one step hobby you can then display in a cabinet – there’s a lot of nuance to explore.
Gardening and Landscaping
Gardening is a totally free hobby to pick up if you’ve already got a garden. You can take cuttings from bushes, trees, and plants that you see out and about and then try to cultivate the same greenery in your own garden. Indeed, it’s a great way to blow off steam as well as get your hands dirty, which is something a screen just won’t allow! But if you prefer cutting back in the garden, you can try out landscaping instead, which will help you to design the outdoor space you’ve always wanted to relax in.
Bake Your Own Bread
Baking is one of the best hands-on hobbies out there. Why? Because you get to eat something when you’re finished. And baking bread is quite the artform, so you’ll need to really brush up on your skills here. Plus, a freshly baked loaf every morning is always something to look forward to – it’s just the cleaning that’s annoying!
If you’re always online, it’s time to break the habit! Get out and remind yourself there are other things to enjoy.
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